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Grow Your Business & Improve Your Life

 Carissa started a spray tanning & hair extension business from home when she was 21 and grew it into a chain of 3 stores that ran without her in them, using Facebook & Instagram ads to grow her brand and generate thousands of customers.

She has helped over 4000+ small business owners to double, triple and 10X their companies since 2014 with her courses and Facebook ad templates.

Carissa LOVES helping entrepreneurs to grow their businesses and improve their life just by changing their marketing and sales strategies.

Binge The Podcast

You can search for the “COFFEE WITH CARISSA PODCAST” on Apple podcasts and Spotify, and get tips and inspo every week to keep your business growing.



Double Your Salon Or Spa – Free Training

Double Your Salon Or Spa – Free Training

If you own a salon or medspa, and you want to know exactly what you should be doing to get more clients, grow your brand, and get your team growing your business for you… I have made this video to show you exactly what you need to do in order to DOUBLE your...

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Not everyone is going to be successful.

Not everyone is going to be successful.

I believe that anyone CAN be successful… but the truth is, most people are just not prepared to do what it takes. Most people will look for reasons why they can’t. Most people will blame everything and everyone for why they are not experiencing success. Most...

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